Congratulations to our labmate, Angelina Ibarra, for securing an internship with Oceaneering International Inc. for Summer 2024. Angelina will be a Software Engineering Intern in the ocean technology division. Her duties will include writing software for production, and test tools; testing software products; and learning about underwater technologies and how they relate to software design choices. She is excited to gain hands-on experience and learn from a company that specializes in ocean technologies.
Yash Zambre passes Master’s Thesis Defense!
Congratulations to our labmate, Yash Zambre, for passing his Master’s Thesis Defense! Yash presented his work on “Spatial Transformer Network You Only Look Once (STN-YOLO) for Improved Object Detection.” Great job Yash!

Akshatha Mohan passes Master’s Thesis Defense!
Congratulations to our labmate, Akshatha Mohan, for passing her Master’s Thesis Defense! Akshatha presented her work on “Lacunarity Pooling Layer for Image Texture Analysis.” Great job Akshatha!

Dr. Joshua Peeples presents at Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering, Science and Technology (TAMEST)!
Congratulations to Dr. Joshua Peeples for presenting at the TAMEST Protégé Poster Challenge! Dr. Peeples shared the ongoing work in our lab. Thanks to Dr. Frances Ligler for nominating Dr. Peeples for the Protégé Program.
Lucian Chauvin selected for internship with Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratory!
Congratulations to our labmate, Lucian Chauvin, for securing an internship with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)! Lucian will a high-performance research computing intern with LLNL. In this position, he will be researching new software that can be used for scientific endeavors on some of the most powerful computing machines in the world. Lucian is excited to join the team of scientists at LLNL that “pursues bold and innovative science and technology”.
Yash Zambre presents at TAMU Data-Driven Intelligent Agricultural Systems Symposium!
Congratulations to our labmate, Yash Zambre, for presenting at the TAMU Data-Driven Intelligent Agricultural Systems Symposium! Yash shared our ongoing collaborative effort with TAMU AgriLife on automated plant phenotyping.
Jarin Ritu, Ethan Barnes, and Irenè Masabarakiza present at IEEE WASPAA 2023!
Congratulations to our labmates, Jarin Ritu, Ethan Barnes, and Irenè Masabarakiza, for presenting at the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) 2023! The team shared their work on “Histogram Layer Time Delay Neural Networks for Passive Sonar Classification”. Check out the paper and code!
Histogram Layer Time Delay Neural Networks for Passive Sonar Classification Accepted to IEEE WASPAA 2023!
Congratulations to our lab and collaborators, Jarin Ritu, Ethan Barnes, Riley Martell, Alexandra Van Dine and Joshua Peeples, for the paper acceptance to the IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) 2023! In this work, we present a new time delay artificial neural network integrated with histogram layer(s) for improved target recognition. The paper will be presented on Monday, October 23rd in the Music and Audio Signal Processing Poster Session I. Check out the paper here!
Akshatha Mohan presents at IEEE IGARSS 2023!
Congratulations to our labmate, Akshatha Mohan, for presenting at the IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 2023! Akshatha shared her work on “Quantitative Analysis of Primary Attribution Explainable Artificial Intelligence Methods for Remote Sensing Image Classification”. Check out the paper and code!
Dr. Joshua Peeples selected for Summer Faculty Fellowship with Air Force Research Lab!
Congratulations to Dr. Joshua Peeples for securing a faculty fellowship with the Air Force Research Laboratory (ARFL) for Summer 2023. Dr. Peeples will be working with Dr. Saber Hussain in the ARFL Airman Systems branch. Learn more about the ARFL Summer Faculty Research Program here!